If you are an adventurous person and love to go for outing, camping, hiking, rock climbing or any other adventurous activities with your friends, you may plan at least a week and more to enjoy the trip. Since stay may be a major problem during the trip, Vango Airbeam is a complete solution to stay wherever you want.
All the above mentioned activities are performed in mountains, rocky fields, hilly areas or forest where we cannot find any option to stay. A lightweight tent is something which can be placed and carried easily without any hassle.
These tents are available in variety of shapes, sizes and features, with lots of online stores. When it comes to shape and style, the available options include backpacking tents, dome, tipi, tunnel, vis-a-vis style, windbreak and various others. Moreover, if we talk about the size, ranging from 1-4 man tents to 9+ tents are designed commonly.

- One of the first and foremost things that one must consider is what size you require. Just note that whether you want it only for you or want it spacious enough even for other people to be stayed in.
- Used material in making the tent is also something to be taken into consideration as these are made with varied of materials to be used in different seasons. Hence, make sure, weather conditions and season so that it can withstand without any complication.
- These are made with wide set of features and they may be different in all the camps, so just be careful what features you want in your camp.
- Affordability is another undeniable factor while making purchase, so decide the budget before you finally place your order for Vango airbeam.
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